jeremy iu

I write, you win.

Emails, ads, landing pages—you name it. I help skyrocket businesses through high-converting copy that bounces off the tongue. My secret? Applying core copywriting principles at the root of everything I do, and forensically analyzing your business to discover what truly makes your customers tick. How they talk, what they feel, and their deepest desires. THIS is how you win.


I free up your time so you can focus on what matters.

As a business owner myself, I know how overwhelming it can be. With a relentless number of tasks demanding your attention, it feels like there are always a million things to do and never enough time to get them done.That’s why I’m here.To free up your time, write killer copy, and help you grow your business while you take care of everything else.

EMAIL marketing

Unlock Your Business Potential

If you're not doing emails, you're losing out on 20% to 30% of EXTRA revenue for your business. And if you're already sending them out - are you happy with your results?

Facebook advertising

Explode Your Revenue

If your brand isn't a well-oiled content machine, you're wasting money. With over 5+ years running Facebook ads, I have a proven creative testing framework to help you find winning ads to explode your revenue.

Landing page

Maximize Your Traffic

What's the point of getting all those leads if your landing page sucks? I want to make sure you're not leaving money on the table. With expert design and persuasive copy, I’ll turn your traffic into conversions, ensuring every click counts.

Like what you see? Let's chat!

© jeremyiu. All rights reserved.

If you like what you hear, let's talk!